(no pronouns)
Team member
Hi! My name is Thủy-Tiên Nguyễn (no pronouns), I am a queer Viet-German person and I work as a political educator, dance theater pedagogue, choreographer, performer, activist and community organizer. I lecture, facilitate (dance/theatre) workshops, and volunteer in the (post)migrant self-organization @korientation — a network for Asian-German perspectives — including coordinating the media critique project "Rassismus in der COVID-19-Berichterstattung" and co-hosting the podcast @theasiandiasporictalk
- • Anti-Asian racism
• Racist (figurative) language
• Racism and classism in/through theater and opera
• Racist/discriminatory/culturalizing framing
• Queerhostility and queerness
• Gender
• Empowerment
“I think it is very important to have media content checked in a discrimination-sensitive and intersectional way, because media and media editors (newspapers, journals, magazines, TV, film, public broadcasters and so on) have a great responsibility. Media must not stigmatize and dehumanize groups of people and reproduce racism and other forms of discrimination because there are real negative social, psychological, physical and economical consequences for negatively affected people as a result of such reporting and media content. Additionally, it can also (re)traumatize marginalized people. Apart from that, it is also a matter of (re)presentation.”