Our team
Our team consists of many different people with diverse expertise and perspectives who are motivated to support you in your anti-discrimination process. Here you can browse our team and learn more about us.
Organizational team member
Hi. I'm David Kwaku (he/him) a freelance musician, teacher, writer, and lecturer. In all areas I put a big focus on anti-racism and empowerment. I am a father of two and live in Hannover. In my free time, I like to cook and eat, surround myself with people I love and would often like to be in all places of the world at the same time!
Team member
Hello! I am Maria (she/her) and I was born and raised in Curitiba, Brazil, but I am also a Rheinländer by heart. Living as a migrant of color in Germany has not only sharpened my intercultural skills, but has brought me my critical coming of age. This, along with the passion for reading, curiosity and permanent appetite for information led me to the postcolonial life and academics. I love to cook and eat, critical essays on YouTube and reality TV - because we all need a bit of relaxation and balance. I could pet all the fluffy animals in the world and it still wouldn't be enough.
I stand for intersectionality and work hard to decolonize myself over and over again so that I can position myself better in the world.
Team member
I am Elli (she/her), a Black transracially adopted woman of color, and I am a political science student at university. Last year I found my passion in being an antiracism activist for transracial adoptions and interracial families. Whenever I am not studying or advocating for Bi_PoC and transracial adoptees you’ll find me designing houses, puzzling or probably with a friend on the phone. My favorite animals are zebras and my true love is cake.
Team member
My name is Lena Dirscherl, my pronouns are she/xier/they and I work freelance in illustration and comics.
I'm very much into queer and intersectional feminism, anti-racism and body positivity. On Instagram my name is BoPoLena (=Body Positive Lena) and every week I post a free illustration about body positivity. For the near future I plan to connect this even more with queer topics, as this is still very underrepresented in the BoPo community and there is a lot to say about it. In my illustration work I pay a lot of attention to diversity and try to sensitize my customers in this direction. My hobbies include playing video games, Dungeon & Dragons, reading comics, and cooking ☺️
Team member
Hiya, I am Mona. A choreographer, performer, artist and curator. I grew up as a German-Chilean daughter of color in a white, middle class family and after and since the media exposure of New Year's Eve in Cologne I have been intensively studying different forms of discrimination and their intersections. I like to learn new things. Right now I'm looking into South American feminism and the links to Germany. I like to put digital media aside and am happy when I can walk through different nature.
Team member
Hi, my name is Pipa (she/her) and I live and work in Freiburg. 💁🏾♀️ Here I studied graphic design and integrated design and recently completed a specialized study to become a social media manager. To understand the world around me and process things, I like to express myself artistically in the form of collages and texts. I say "Yes!" to summer, nature documentaries and tarot 👌🏾 and "No, thank you!" to meat, snow and white fragility ✋🏾
Organizational team member
Selam, my name is Seggen (she/her). I am 27 years old and I studied cultural anthropology, art and cultural studies and management. Right now I am working at an international documentary film festival. Otherwise I also like to engage in my free time with art and culture, surround myself with great people (aka soulcare), read a lot, dance or do yoga (sometimes more sometimes less 😉)
Team member
Hi! My name is Leonie, my pronouns are she/her and I eat lots of ice cream, enjoy dancing and love languages to an extent that I would learn them all at once if I could. I'm a mixed kid from a South Asian/white family and am currently working as a freelance translator and linguist. At university I studied to become a teacher - you guessed it - for languages and have been teaching at different schools for the past few years. In addition to functional, non-discriminatory communication, I care a lot about the mental health of intersectionally marginalised people and the destigmatization of illnesses and their symptoms. I'm excited about future projects and working with the DisCheck team!
Team member
I have worked as an immigration lawyer in the UK, working primarily with refugees and asylum seekers. I have recently started working as a freelance educational speaker, offering workshops and consultations in English on empowerment, Black history, toxic masculinity, the General Act on Equal Treatment, and migration.
I enjoy listening to podcasts and reading on the topics of politics, human rights, and empowerment. I am also an avid fan of jazz and occasionally enjoy playing the saxophone.
Team member
Hi, my name is Yvonne (she/her), I'm 27 years old, Chinese German and I did my Bachelor in "East Asian Studies" and Master in "Transcultural Studies". In my spare time, I volunteer by translating letters from Plan International and articles for Cap Anamur. Otherwise, I read a lot and either draw attention to problematic representations or praise good representations in my reviews. I've also recently started speaking publicly about my experiences of racism in order to make racism more visible in everyday life towards Asian-read people.
Organizational team member
Hi! I'm Julia (she/her), 20 years old and live in Leipzig. I am the co-founder of an online activist collective and author. I'm also trying to normalize indigenous activism more in Germany in the process. In my free time I like to tinker with small projects and play with my dog who means the world to me. I am a strong advocate of "pineapple sometimes belongs on pizza" and don't get involved in any discussion about that.
Team member
Hi! My name is Thủy-Tiên Nguyễn (no pronouns), I am a queer Viet-German person and I work as a political educator, dance theater pedagogue, choreographer, performer, activist and community organizer. I lecture, facilitate (dance/theatre) workshops, and volunteer in the (post)migrant self-organization @korientation — a network for Asian-German perspectives — including coordinating the media critique project "Rassismus in der COVID-19-Berichterstattung" and co-hosting the podcast @theasiandiasporictalk
Team member
Hey! I'm Marius (he/him) and I write romance novels for young adults. Besides entertainment, it's important to me to include content like Mental Health, racism or LGBTQIAP+ topics to create visibility for them and make more people aware. In general, I'm quite a nerd - not only when it comes to books, but also when it comes to movies and series. I like to listen to cheesy dramatic music, appreciate deep conversations and time with my favorite people.
Team member
Hi, I am Cila (no pronouns, they/them, ey/em). I'm a Black & Indigenous multidisciplinary artist, healer, storyteller, activist & facilitator. My work speaks of different worlds and is simultaneously rooted in our current reality. I am deeply interested in facilitating structures where people feel welcome to get involved. Building narratives that bring us closer to the world we want to create and starting conversations that draw connections between the struggles we are facing and the future we want to build. I am Queer, Trans non-binary and neuro-atypical. I enjoy making music, reading and puzzles.